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SENSHA glass coating is the leading edge car coating technology to form the genuine glass layer on car parts, which provides comprehensive protection, water repellent effect and the finest glossy finish like your car is wet.

Unlike car waxes and sealants use an oil component as the main ingredient, the glass coating utilizes Silicon (Si) as the main ingredient. SENSHA engages the highest quality Si to form the quality glass layer because as the main ingredient of glass is Silicon Dioxide (chemical formula: SiO2) (O2: oxygen), the quality of Si is critical. SENSHA glass coating contains the industry-highest level of SiO2 without any impurities. This enables SENSHA glass coating to be inorganic, fully transparent and provide the fines glossy finish, which makes SENSHA glass coating outstanding and unique.

The performance of SENSHA glass coating, Crystal Glow, has been tested and verified by the public institution in Japan, Kanagawa Industrial Technology Center, in accordance of Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS). The report is available for download.

Crystal Glow is the glass coating agent specially for paint surface, and we understand that each car part has different characteristics and is made of different materials. Hence, SENSHA utilizes the technology of Crystal Glow as the base and has developed the part specific glass coating agents for each car part to maximize the performance of the glass coating.

Manufactuerer and Pro detailor

We are a manufacturer that develop, produce and sell the products by ourselves. We are also pro detailors.

So we have developed products based on our know-how what kind of products that are necessary for car wash and coating.


Technical Training System

We have our own training system for growing pro detailors.
The important thing for car care product is to use in correct way.

Our training system is for growing pro detailors who understand well about design source of each product and how to use them for creating the best performance.

Full Support for car care business

We also sell products with BtoB and BtoC.
We gain market share no.1 for the largest online shopping mall "Rakuten Ichiba".

And we are awarded "Top 10 excellent car care business" in China for the third successive year.

Product Categories

wheel/ 타이어

When you wash your beloved car and it becomes shiny,
you will feel clean and refreshed...
That will make you becoming "a more polite car driver" naturally.


Have you ever felt like this?

Washing your car before going outside
will certainly connect to safe driving...

If the car owners around the world enjoy cleaning their cars,
The road around the world will be safer.


We believe so.


SENSHA in Japanese means "car wash" in English.
But we don't think that SENSHA is just "car wash".
For Japanese people like us, the safe drive culture through

taking good care of your car is included in the wording of the "SENSHA"


Our dream is to expand our "SENSHA" around the world.